Note! -
I have learned a great deal about electronics and in
particular Linux in small router boxes etc by copying the
published work of other enthusiasts. So this is my attempt to "give something back" - especially aimed at helping novice users like me. These are my project notes. They are mainly here for backup purposes and to aid my memory but if you find them useful please email me |
A hydroponic EC probe
that can be in the water all the time
and Pulses
tests of Various Mixtures
- calibrate from a web page - add sonar ranger
Old Projects
1) Aviosys IP 9100 video server - how to place pictures on a webpage
2) How to use Visual Basic to view the pictures in the Aviosys IP9x00 and set channels in the IP9100
3) Investigating the Linux based Sweex Broadband Router
4) "Tele-presence" project - Adding a PIC 18F877A to the Sweex Broadband Router
5) Experiments with the Linksys NSLU2 (The Slug)
6) Experiments with an O2 Joggler
7) Aviosys 9203 stepper motor - control by Linux
8) Publish the home web server dynamic IP address
9) Byvac BV4213 used to convert an old scanner into a linear camera mover
12a) RFID Chicken name
detector for nest box - with nslu2 and Joggler
12b) PIR chicken
13) Solar Hot water system - plotting to a web page
14) Photovoltaic power generation - plotting to a web page
15) Timelapse of webcam pictures using javascript slideshow
16) Powered Chicken Hatch with Remote Control
18) Attaching a usb postal scale to (1) A Raspberry Pi (2) A NSLU2 (Slug)
19) Easycap for OpenWrt Attitude-adjustment on nslu2 (Slug) and WR703N
20) Arduino speaking variometer
21) Sending mail from a router
22) Sending data between a Linux router and an Arduino
23) Programming ARM (STM32F103C8T6) boards in the Arduino IDE
24) Experiments with the ESP8266 WiFi boards
25) Testing IOT-playground (with a Macintosh)
26) Testing WS2812 8 LED 3 colour bar
27) Drive a 8x40 LED array with a Raspberry Pi zero
29) Reprogram a Sonoff ESP8266 mains switch for Amazon Alexa control
Sorry! - this site is getting complex! - to
find any item please use the search-box below