Solar Photovotaic Power
- displaying data on a web page

This unit by Current Cost is designed to display the power used by a house.
A clip is placed round the main power cable entering a house and a radio transmitter sends the data to this meter.
They are supplied by some power companies for free. I got one badged "Sky" at a table top sale and I placed the probe round the cable feeding AC power to the house from the PV inverter connected to a 3.8 KW solar panels array on my roof. The receiver can accept data from several transmitter probes so a second probe clip and transmitter from eBay was used to feed data on the power used by the loads in the house - some of that power comes from the grid when I use more than the PV can generate.


The meter has a data output port (RS232) and spits out strings of data received from the probe transmitters at regular intervals. A cable was purchased from Current Cost that converted the RS232 to USB and this was fed to a Joggler for data processing.

Python is used to get the data from the incoming strings from the Current Cost meter
(Python uses tabs that html will not reproduce - replace each ___ (three underlines) with a tab)


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Reads data from a Current Cost device via serial port.
# extracts the data in each string received and saves to a text file

# /var/www/current_cost/

use strict;
use Device::SerialPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 );

# always ttyUSB0 on first boot - but perhaps not if serial link plugged in later
my $PORT = "/dev/ttyUSB0";

my $ob = Device::SerialPort->new($PORT);
$ob->baudrate (57600);

open(SERIAL, "+>$PORT");
while (my $line = <SERIAL>) {
___print "$line";
___my $channel = substr($line, 89, 1);
___my $power = substr($line, 139, 5);
___my $temperature = substr($line, 70, 4);
___my $linelength = length $line;
___print "$linelength\n";
___print "$channel\n";
___print "$power\n";
___print "$temperature\n\n";
___# 3 files on the ramdisk will hold the most recent versions of the readings
___if ($linelength == 166) {
_________# save the data to the ramdisk so Blassic can work on it
_________# only work on the 6 second repeating strings that are 166 characters long - ignore history etc

_________# save channel 0 data
_________if ($channel == 0) {
_________open(MYOUTFILE, ">/var/www/ramdisk/CC_power_channel_0.txt"); #open for write, overwrite
_________print MYOUTFILE $power; # string
_________print MYOUTFILE "\n"; #write newline
_________#*** Close the file ***

_________# save channel 2 data
_________if ($channel == 2) {
_________open(MYOUTFILE, ">/var/www/ramdisk/CC_power_channel_2.txt"); #open for write, overwrite
_________print MYOUTFILE $power; # string
_________print MYOUTFILE "\n"; #write newline
_________#*** Close the file ***

_________# save data receiver temperature (comes in both channel 0 and 2 strings)
_________open(MYOUTFILE, ">/var/www/ramdisk/CC_temperature.txt"); #open for write, overwrite
_________print MYOUTFILE $temperature; # string
_________print MYOUTFILE "\n"; #write newline
_________#*** Close the file ***

The end result is three files, updating every 6 seconds, with contents like -

/var/www/ramdisk/CC_power_channel_0.txt 00014 (panels dark)
/var/www/ramdisk/CC_power_channel_2.txt 01628 (house load)
/var/www/ramdisk/CC_temperature.txt 26.3 (CC receiver temperature)



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