How to edit the noticeboard

1) Quickstart

Click on the edit button.

After editing scroll to the very bottom of the page for the password box.

(Email Graham for the password.)

Do not forget to press "Refresh" or "Reload" on your browser after making an update
- otherwise you just see what you downloaded last time

You can just type text!

But if you want to be clever please read on..................

2) Some examples of what you can enter.

You can just enter raw text. Whenever you type two "RETURNS" the final text will start a new paragraph.

But you can do much more than that!

Copy this -

<font color=red size=5 face=Arial>
Big Bold Title

to see -

Big Bold Title

The first tag line sets the font color (note the spelling!), size and type-face.
The last tag line closes off those characteristics ready for something new

Copy this -

<font color=blue size=3 face=Arial>
Sub Title

to see -

Sub Title

Copy this -

<font color=black size=2 face=Arial>
Main text for the article. You can type "quotes" here in the text to be displayed.

to see -

Main text for the article. You can type "quotes" here in the text to be displayed.

How to link to another webpage

You can add some words that, when clicked on, take the reader to another web page

<a href=>these word appear on the noticeboard</a>

How to show a picture

If you send me a picture I can upload it into the pictures folder - you add this code

<img src=pictures/mypicture.jpg>

New lines and paragraphs

If you copy this -

<font color=red size=3 face=Arial>
Line one
Line two

You will see -

Line one
Line two

<BR> forces a line break - put two in for a blank line

A single return or any number of spaces will have no effect on the final page
- use them to make your text edited document easy to read

<HR> places a horizontal rule like the one on the next line


You can only type the " or ' quote characters in the text to be displayed.
NOT inside the <> tags!

(If you get really clever and start to use a WYSIWYG html generator program you
MUST strip the " and ' characters out
Thus <font color="red" size="3" face="Arial"> will work on normal pages but not in this script.)

Advanced Topics!

if you copy this

<table width 90%>


<td>10 October</td>
<td>Building Stunning Web Sites</td>

<td>12 November</td>
<td>Hypertext Markup Language, You too can do it!</td>
<td><font color=red size=3 face=Arial>Harry</font></td>


you will see this

Date Title Speaker
10 October Building Stunning Web Sites Fred
12 November Hypertext Markup Language, You too can do it! Harry