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Picture 1
Back: 1 Tony Isaac - 2 Roy Dudley - 3 Phil Jervis
Middle: 1 David Cogan - 2? 3 Jeff Knowles - 4 Alex Kirkham - 5 Ian McLaughlan - 6 Joe Spencer - 7 John Emerson
Front: 1 Derek 'Dex' Hutchinson - 2 Peter Kirk - 3 Mick Notley - 4 Chris Hotchen - 5 John Harris - 6 ? - 7 Martin Gill

Picture 2 - Under 15 1957/8

Back: 1? - 2 Philip Cox - 3? - 4 Dave Musgrave
Middle: 1 Mr. (Isaiah) Clarke - 2 Sam Baldwin - 3 Pete Dalby - 4 James - 5 Graham Sully - 6? - 7 Hartley Humphreys - 8 Mick Barclay - 9 Roy Bates
Front: 1 Chris Whittle - 2 Martin Gilding - 3 Martin Gotheridge - 4 Geoff Wass - 5 Dave Smith - 6 Geoff Wells - 7 Jim Middleton

Picture 3 -Under 15 1956/7

Back: 1 'Charlie' Cooper - 2 Tony Whitcombe - 3 Roy Dudley - 4 Robin Benton - 5 Tommy Piper - 6 Tony Isaac - 7 Robert Cooksley - 8 Ian McLaughlan - 9 Tony Clarke
Front: 1 Dave Maslin - 2 Geoff Smith - 3 Derek 'Dex' Hutchinson - 4 Joe Spencer - 5 ? 6 Mick Notley - 7 Peter Kirk - 8 Martin Gill

Picture 4 -Under 13 XV 1955-56

At rear, L-R: Barry Cholerton and John Emerson
Standing L-R: 1. Geoff Wells 2. George Tuck 3. Dave Smith 4. John Beeton 5. Chris Whittle 6. Hartley Humphreys 7. Phil Cox 8. Geoff Wass 9. Pete Dalby 10. Ken Taylor
Seated L-R: 1. John Metcalf 2. Bob Wolfe 3. Sam Baldwin 4. Hugh Barker (capt) 5. Dave Baugh 6. Roy Bates 7. Jim Middleton

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