#!/usr/sbin/blassic ' /var/www/html/cgi-bin/xxxxx/xxxxx.bas string1$ = programarg$(1) PRINT "

Text below printed by Blassic program
" PRINT "string = ", string1$,"
" IF string1$ = "office_light_on" THEN GOSUB office_light_on IF string1$ = "office_light_off" THEN GOSUB office_light_off IF string1$ = "command1" THEN GOSUB command1 IF string1$ = "command2" THEN GOSUB command2 IF string1$ = "longreport" THEN GOSUB longreport PRINT "Now back to the .cgi script to show router uptime
" SYSTEM LABEL office_light_on SHELL "gpio -g write 17 1" RETURN LABEL office_light_off SHELL "gpio -g write 17 0" RETURN LABEL command1 OPEN "/var/www/ramdisk/alexa_link.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 : PRINT #1,"command1" : CLOSE #1 RETURN LABEL command2 OPEN "/var/www/ramdisk/alexa_link.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 : PRINT #1,"command2" : CLOSE #1 RETURN LABEL longreport OPEN "/var/www/ramdisk/alexa_link.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 : PRINT #1,"longreport" : CLOSE #1 RETURN